The Potting Bench Diaries – 27th September 2023

Its the A word that some people dread and some people long for…and I’m firmly in the latter. That word, of course, is Autumn. Its here, there is no denying it now – sunshine draped foliage has given way to windswept dahlias and petals strewn across the lawn – at least in my garden anyway!

Summer, here, has been a success (in the most part) and there is still some reflection to be had, of how the garden has faired and how to move forward into this new season with gusto, rather than mourning what we’ve lost. But, just because we’ve crossed that threshold of an equinox, doesn’t mean that there aren’t still fruits to be had from the labour of the previous season. And therein lies our theme for this week, Fruits From Summer.

This year has been rather joyous for tomatoes in our garden, we had a bumper crop of Tumbling Toms earlier in the year and now the rest are harvested too!

Last time I told you the majority of ours were from Niall Radford, and I just had to share with you, the spoils of our crop! So many of all sorts of varieties and types, and all bound to be (hopefully) delicious!

I’d love to know how your tomatoes have done this year, do let me know in the comments below.

Moving ahead to the edibles for next year now, with onions!

Whilst at our local nursery this week I couldn’t quite resist the temptation of some Senshyu onions, for sowing now and then harvesting in the middle of next year. I’ll start these off in modules and then plant them out slightly later down the line, into their final growing spot. Our onions this year were….ok, nothing special but not a complete failure either – which I suppose is about as good as it gets really!!

After that brief detour to the edibles, lets head back over to the flowers of the garden – that’s what most of you come here for right?!

While there are things to learn and take away from the cutting garden this year, I’d be lying if it hasn’t largely been a success – not bad, considering I really actually don’t know what I’m doing! The biggest success comes from the dahlias more than anything else, and to think I almost jacked it all in after vowing to never grow them again two years ago…oh how we all learn and move on!

And another plant I’m keen to show off from this year is the delicate (yet substantial!) Aster ‘Fellowship.

Asters are new to our garden, as mentioned a few weeks or so ago, and I hadn’t anticipated how late in the season that this one was going to flower, but I’m very glad of the later colour. This one is intermingled with a couple of Rudbeckia and the contrast between the two is one that I’ve really enjoyed!

And finally, a brand new episode of the podcast is here and this week I’m joined by one half of The Laundry Garden the wonderful, Jenny Williams.

Jenny discusses the origins of the garden and whether they stuck to their original plans…or not! This is a fantastic listen, and one I know you’ll enjoy. You can listen now by clicking here.

Last week I promised to share more about a special visit I’ve had recently…but truth be told, I forgot! So more on that next week (if I don’t forget!)

Have a great week and I’ll see you next week for more

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